WARNING! This Blog Contains; Personal Opinion, Parody, Humour, Satire, Sarcasm, Criticism, Incredulity, Contempt, Indignation and/or Expletives. It also Contains a Huge Number of Rather Surprising Facts About the Oddly Dysfunctional Nature of Harper Land.

CHECK BACK OFTEN ~ ALL POSTS are Updated As New Information Becomes Available.

December 31, 2011

2011 in Pictures ~ A Year to Remember ~ A Year to Forget

This is ^NOT a complete overview as that is not practical at this hour on New Year's Eve. But here are a few randomized moments to remember and many to forget. Check back later to see more. if you would like to make suggestions as to things that need to be included, let me know in the Comments. 


A Very Odd Election Result

Another Very Odd Election Result

A Secret Document ~ Details to Follow?

A Failed Crash Course in Couth


SUNTV Proves it is Addle Minded

Charles Adler is one Numb Chuck

Not Only is SUNTV Greasy

And Unethically Oily 

But Actually Wins Awards For It


Fate Takes a Bite Out of Apple

Fate Takes a Bite Out of Canada

But Leaves Us a Legacy

I Found This on Google Earth, Lol!
And Yes, that is 24 Sussex Drive in Ottawa.

Apparently it was all part of the Plan! 
Even if it is Blocking Out the Sun.

Happy Next Year!

To be continued ...........

December 28, 2011

Stephen Harper Prorogues Parliament to Save his Hide~ Two Years later ~ A CANADIAN Re-Awakening

I want to Remind all of you that the 2nd anniversary of the proroguation to avoid the Afghan Detainee Question is this Friday, the 30th of December. That cowardly event represented Our Government's disdain for us and triggered one of the largest mass awakenings of Canadians on line to date. We were able to mobilize nearly a quarter of a million Canadians in the week that followed and the media was amazed at the response.

Many Facebook groups have been formed by those first on the scene and one of the most interesting and effective of them is this one: Canadians Against Stephen Harper, which can be found at:


Internet politics 
is Relatively new to Facebook, but a growing phenomena to be sure. It was given a huge boost on this date in 2009. Our Government or at least the only one in it who gets to say anything thought no one would even notice it, not during the week between Christmas and New Years anyway. He was wrong. He usually is.

Commemorate this Anniversary with us and shed some light on the need to get together in groups like this one, who's numbers yet increase and whose founding members were moved to activism, two years ago, by this very act of contempt. I believe it was a veritable Genesis, which will make Friday, as it turns out a re-Genisis.

Seriously, if  'reborn' is a word, so is 'Re-Genesis' .... Lol!

I use the word "Dare' because it takes courage to send wake-up calls to those who may prefer to sleep their life away in a dream-state that includes the delusion of a good and caring Government busily working to create a better Canada. . 

A MOMENT of Silence followed by a lifetime of speaking Up! ~ I have been able to narrow it down to the Exact Moment when Canadian Liberty died. 
- Dec 30, 2009 at exactly 13:25:11 EST 2009 (the exact time of the email / press release from the Prime Minister's Office).  

" That is How Liberty Dies! 

With Thunderous Applause!"

He Still Believes This!
To join the event you can go here and you will not need a personal invitation although you now have one anyway. http://www.facebook.com/events/214427278640502/

Please share this blog, and the event information with all of your friends.

December 26, 2011

DIARY of a CLEPTOCRAT ~ Harper Land as a 'B' Movie

So, what is a Cleptocrat? (often spelled Kleptocrat)

Loosely defined, he or she is a member of a political organization (Party) that as a matter of policy, attempts to gain and keep power in an effort to rob the economy and extract capital and democracy from the realm.

Such organizations almost always run deficits, because the extraction is relentless and takes precedence over good governance.

The success of Cleptocracies always depends on them having very close connections to those people and corporations (often their backers) who also stand to profit from these policies.

They almost always leave the country deeply in debt, turning it back to others to try and fix. And when, because it is so broken, it does not get fixed, they attempt to blame their successors to regain power and start another cycle. This should sound familiar to most of those who pay attention to such things. The current administration of Harper Land is in my opinion just such an organization.

Here is a Wikipedia document on the subject, and a Blog by CAITI  (THe CANADIAN ASSOCIATION OF INCOME TRUST INVESTORS) that strongly suggests not only that Stephen Harper is in fact, a Cleptocrat, but that the Main Steam Media (MSM) is complicit in it also by allowing it and by actually helping to cover it up. If you are Not familiar with the Income Trust Scandal, it was harper's first major instance of what amounts, according to CAITI and many others as theft.

So, is our "Great Leader" a Cleptocrat, or is this all just a very bad 'B' Movie?

The 30th of December, 2011 is the 2nd Anniversary of the cowardly "Recalibration" Proroguation. That was the Second time that he ran away and hid from Canadians to avoid losing his hard earned power (and by 'hard earned' I infer that Crime is a messy business) over us. It was met with a strong response on line and it represents, in my opinion, the very 'Genesis' of the on-line political movement now in progress and thriving in Harper Land.

Some of us are celebrating that awakening on that anniversary. Please check back here to get the details as they are made public! I will post a link ASAP! Or join C.R.U.S.H. today to get those details there.

December 24, 2011

Merry Christmas (CRUSHMAS) Stephen Harper ~ A Sincere Wish From a Concerned Canadian

 I Searched High and Low for the Perfect Holiday Card for Our "Dear Leader" 
It finally occurred to me that he might like something a little more personal and from the heart, 
so I weighed my very intense feelings for him and came up with this. 
It really manages to encapsulate my sentiments exactly.

Twas the Night Before Crushmas and all over my Wall 
I'm thinking up ways to help "Dear Leader" Fall.
He Pisses me off in more ways than one,
And pulling his strings is always great Fun.

So I'll do what I do and I'll do it with Joy.
Before it's all over He'll be my new toy.
I'll not be so careful as good kids would be,
I'll take him and shake him and break him with Glee.

So please come and join me as I get my kicks.
Cause that's how I deal with odd ignorant pricks
Who think they're above us in so many ways.
We'll heel them and cow them and number their days.

We'll gather our voices  we'll do it no doubt.
Together we'll raise such a clatter and shout
"Be gone you old Weirdos ~ Be gone you old Fools
Your Party is Over ~ Now We make the Rules!"

And when the old Bugger finally fades out of sight 
We'll know that we've done it and won the good fight!

To all a great Crushmas ~ To all a Good Night!
                        ~ Kim Leaman ~ The Twain Shall meet ~ Dec 24, 2011

by joining us at C.R.U.S.H. 

After you join us, you can find the story behind this Crushmas Blog Here!

And It would not be a Holiday Greeting 
if it did not get delivered
 to the PM and the PMO, Lol!

Holiday Message from the PMO

And to all  a Good Night!

December 22, 2011

Paying For Canadian Bacon ~ Senator Mike Duffy Takes Us For a Ride

Disdain For Duffy is Nothing New
This is outrageous. 

The Taxpayers of Canada are being taken for a ride on the Harper Land Express and are being forced to pay the Conservative Party of Canada for the cost of 'Hiring' Senator Mike Duffy to go about the country and promote their candidates in the 2011 Federal Election campaign. And this just a couple of months after the Harper Conservatives copped a plea to avoid having four of their own charged with tampering with the funding in the 2006 election. They Plead guilty to Election fraud to get their minions off  paid an insultingly small fine and now we are being forced to pay one of their most vocal and distasteful minions to dupe us into giving them a majority government? That does ^NOT sound right.

I must have misread it.

An excerpt:

Party spokesman Fred DeLorey said Duffy was not paid any fees to attend events and said no Senate resources were used. "During the campaign, Senator Duffy was very helpful and went where he was asked to go, by both national and local campaigns," DeLorey said in an email.

Among Duffy's whistle-stops was a trip to Yellowknife to support Conservative candidate Sandy Lee in the riding of Western Arctic. That event proved controversial as a local radio station claimed it had been refused an interview unless it submitted a written list of questions in advance.
The Lee campaign paid Duffy $209 under the category of "miscellaneous expenses or non-candidate travel."
She lost out in the May 2 vote to incumbent New Democrat Dennis Bevington."

Read More:

No, it appears that I read it correctly. So who exactly is this Mike Duffy Character? Check out this video of  a drunken Mike Duffy, "off to the RCMP BALL and in a foul mood. 

Isn't he charming when he is drunk?

Perhaps the most telling video that I have seen is this little bit of footage of Mike back when he was still looking for that Senate seat that he now fills to overflow. Watch as Elizabeth May makes ground pork out of the then Mr. Duffy.

So, as you can see, we are once again having to pay our own government to misinform us. 

I give you Mr. Duffy telling us all to gather around as he is about to destroy Stephane Dion with the dubious help of Steve Murphy of CTV Halifax. Watch as he gloats and puffs himself up knowing that his long sought Senate seat was finally a sure thing. We are all still paying for this obnoxious Stunt. I refuse to show the Dion Assassination, but here is Duffy actually salivating over his part in it. Note that it is clearly labelled as being only 5 Days TO ELECTION

Finally: This is the kind of sycophant that Duffy has always been. He was never a journalist, just a shill. Watch now to see what it is that we will actually be asked to pay for. Here he shills as a deranged Conservative avatar and in the process, making big bucks to spread a message that he knows is not true. He does not seem to remember Paul Martin, but credits the Harper Government with saving us from the Banks. What a maroon!

I recently had the pleasure of meeting Senator Jim Munson and he told me that when he and Mike Duffy were both employed at CTV he once heard Mike say that he would be willing to back PM Chretien as long as he would eventually become a Senator. He was willing to do anything then and he is willing to do anything now, so I now know that it was not an exaggeration. 

December 18, 2011

Merry Christmas Mr. Harper ~ Liberal MP Roger Cuzner


Text: (reproduced from Liberal Party of Canada website)
"Twas the week before Christmas and all over the Hill
The humbuggish Tories were imposing their will.
The stockings in Muskoka were stuffed to the brim
But life for First Nations remained woefully grim.
And at the North Pole, Santa's problems abound
There was much work to do but no workers around.
How can we do Christmas with no reindeer or elves?
The sleigh is a wreck, there's no toys on the shelves.
Costs have just spiraled, the elves threaten strike
They won't work this Christmas without a pay hike.
Tory payroll taxes have taken their toll
Now unemployed elves populate the North Pole.
Federal money for deer feed and vets
Has just been reprofiled for big jails and jets.
Heartbroken children would spring from their beds
For the first Christmas ever shut down by the feds.
No presents for Christmas, Tories felt the frustration
So they saddled the elves with back-to-work legislation.
No reindeer or sleigh to fly our roof-topper?
No problem; just send in a Cormorant chopper.
The moral I share: Tories lack rhyme or reason
Nonetheless, all the best for a great Christmas season!"

December 16, 2011

Canada's Environment Minister Schools Justin Trudeau on Environmental Science

What is Ozone? The Right honourable Peter Kent explains it to us. This guy really knows his stuff. He didn't even need to read the answer. It is so reassuring to know that this man is on the case. The environment needs men who understand it if we are to continue as a species.

Thank you sincerely Mr. Kent, for your intelligent answer to this vital question.

So, what is the Ozone layer?

Update:  While we are here, we should look at this as well from 2009 ....At this point, he had another job as minister of State in charge of Abandoning Canadians. Now he abandons the Environment. Anyway, watch this and ask yourself.  Is he being honest here?

For more information see   C.R.U.S.H.

December 14, 2011

Harper's Hideous Helper ~ Harange Hides Horrific Hatred

This Just In:
Egotistic ~ Zionist ~ Racist ~ Annoying
Loser Endlessly Vindicates Anal Nutbar Tyrant

Now who on earth could that be? And what gives this nasty little man the right and the nerve to call others bigots?  Seriously? 

Listen very carefully to this amazing man spin his (what I see as racist) web of idiomatic and ideological language. He must use the word 'Indian' a dozen times, but I did not and will not be counting. He is so behind in his thinking that he makes the very same mistake attributed to Christopher Columbus over 500 years ago.

He does not seem to know where India is on a map of the world, but he knows who does not deserve to own a big-screen TV.
What would someone stuck indoors for four months at a time, in a shack surrounded by frozen air and round-the-clock darkness, with eleven or so others, huddled together for warmth, need with entertainment?

His attitude sucks. His politics suck. The fact that he has a voice and so many do not,  also sucks.

His thing, he claims, is free speech. I do not believe that for a minute. His thing is money. His thing is Zionism. His thing is Conservatism.  His thing is free publicity. His thing is litigation. His thing is embarrassing.

But it may still be time for SUNTV to stop paying him. I wonder if he would be willing to speak for free? Given the value of his opinions, that would seem a fair market price.

December 13, 2011

Harper Majority ~ Dealing with Dysfunction ~1000 Nasty Stories in first 224 days of Harperland

In the first 224 days of the Harper Majority, the government sold to us as Strong, and Stable is proving to be anything but.

In fact there has already been so much nonsense and tampering with our democracy that I was easily able, without any special attention to it, (just spending my time on C.R.U.S.H. talking to other concerned Canadians) to collect 1000 stories which point to the fact that our 'Dear leader' has no clue what strength' means here, of any idea what constitutes stability.
The Fun Began During the Throne Speech
If you don't already know that,
You've got a Lot of Catching Up to do
The List is all here. It is in no particular order though, as the sheer volume of information is so great as to defy collating. The list of URLs is so long as to take a few minutes to save every time I make a single key-stroke.
So, dig in and see what Canada and the rest of the World has been saying about the country now more properly known as "Harper Land" . If anything or any story baffles you, and some of it might, come join us at C.R.U.S.H. and tap the brains of a few thousand incredible Canadians who are very willing to help you make sense of it.

For Best RESULTS right-click on links and open them in a new tab or window. Otherwise, it will take you a year to see them all and by then there will be 2500 more.
