WARNING! This Blog Contains; Personal Opinion, Parody, Humour, Satire, Sarcasm, Criticism, Incredulity, Contempt, Indignation and/or Expletives. It also Contains a Huge Number of Rather Surprising Facts About the Oddly Dysfunctional Nature of Harper Land.

CHECK BACK OFTEN ~ ALL POSTS are Updated As New Information Becomes Available.

March 28, 2013

Power and Propaganda ~ Harper and Penashue ~ Stand by your man!

The Ex-Minister of Inter Governmental Affairs has a hard time to keep his story straight these days. No wonder he is reluctant   to speak truthfully about it. He actually over spent by a huge amount during the 2011 general election and thereby had to resign in disgrace. And Not only is he no longer a Minister in Stephen Harper's Conservative Government, Peter Penashue (pronounced "Panache away", is no longer a member of parliament. 

Althought he didn't say at the time, he had resigned just ahead of a deadline set by Elections Canada to come clean or resign. Did he come clean? No, blamed it all on a what he called an an oversight by an"inexperienced volunteer". The volunteer turned out not be volunteering at all and was in fact well paid as Penashue's Campaign Manager, and it turns out much more experienced than Peter Penashue. see 

" "I haven't done anything wrong"
In an interview with a Labrador radio station, Penashue said he was waiting for Elections Canada to finish its report into the campaign spending, which he said he expects soon."What I saw, I wasn't pleased. So I thought that the best and appropriate thing to do was to resign," he said."I'm not comfortable with those illegitimate contributions and ... I don't think Labradorians feel comfortable with it either so I think it's proper that I resign and have the people of Labrador decide as to who they would like to have them represented in Ottawa."I haven't done anything wrong because I didn't have any knowledge to it," he added. "

The Odd Part or rather some the odd parts are that he announced that he was going to run in a By-election even as he resigned? And he starting campaigning before he ever resigned. He announced the by-election before the prime minister said the would need one. And the Scape Goat was attacked by the party thugs in out out of the House of commons and it they insisted that he was indeed a volunteer and inexperienced and had made a honest mistake. He was very incompetent they said. 

Turns out the intended scape-goat had already been rewarded by the Conservative Party with a plum job. In spite of his perceived incompetence he was appointed as, well, you better read it. 
The federal government has filled a vacant seat on the Canada-Newfoundland and Labrador Offshore Petroleum Board (CNLOPB), offering the spot to the campaign manager for Peter Penashue, the province’s sole Conservative MP.
Reginald Bowers of Happy Valley-Goose Bay helped lead the Penashue camp to a 231-vote victory in the 2011 election, preventing a complete Conservative shutout of Newfoundland and Labrador. Bowers has now been named to the body responsible for regulating the province’s offshore oil and gas industry.
(ttSm adds: That the vote was actually a 76 vote "victory". And that '231' is just the PMO's numbers at the time, just spin) The CNLOPB appointment was made by federal Minister of Natural Resources, Joe Oliver.
“Mr. Bowers brings decades of experience in business and economic development,” Oliver stated in a federal government news release Friday. “He will be an asset to the board as it continues to fulfill its mandate.”
Its mandate includes: safety, environmental protection, resource management and industrial benefits. It is responsible or licensing oil and gas developments.
The federal Department of Natural Resources provided no further information on Bowers’ background within its announcement on his appointment. The Telegram requested further information. We have since received the following:
“(Bowers) is an economic development officer with extensive experience in regional economic development. His business experience and educational background have allowed him the opportunity to be heavily involved in consultation processes and gain in-depth knowledge of many government programs and policies. He is active in the community, having participated in numerous local groups and serving on local boards. He holds a Bachelor of Commerce from the Memorial University of Newfoundland.”
Bowers saw fit to resign shortly after this story broke, But I think you get the picture!

Now with the show! 

Harper protects the disgraced Minister and MP from Labrador. 

According to Jamie Watts
who crunches the numbers
to see who is talking about political stories,
The Propaganda
Just May Be Working!

More reading

Peter Penashue | openparliament.ca

Peter Penashue: The minister we never knew

I'll be back!

March 15, 2013

~ The Charm Offensive ~ Harper's Credibility Lost in Space!

Perhaps that is why intelligent Canadians find it so Offensive!
Although, almost all Canadians would agree that Canadian astronaut Chris Hadfield is the real McCoy... Hadfield assumed command of the ISS on Wednesday, making him the first Canadian to command the station that orbits more than 300 km above the earth. Hadfield, who arrived at the station in December, has been wowing his Twitter followers with his photos from space and taking questions from school kids across the country about life in space.
 Pardon the interruption   This! Just In:

As I was writing this, CBCNN is on, as always! I just over heard this and need  to add it! I seems that Canadian figures skaters Meagan Duhamel and Eric Radford just won a medal at the world figure skating championships and of course CBCNN is now covering it and when the started the interview, told the reporter that she had "just now" received a Tweet from the PM.   How "exciting", she said!

The Fact that the PMO is watching you and the CBC, so they can send you a Tweet in real time with this much control over the timing that the Prime Minister, (who by way, didn't write this Tweet!) is able to be seen to do that right across Canada is actually frightening.

How Exciting! The Prime Minister of Canada's Twitter Account is Nothing but a BOT!

"LONDON, Ont. — Canadians Meagan Duhamel and Eric Radford captured a bronze medal in pairs Friday at the world figure skating championships in a result that had onlookers shaking their heads.
Duhamel, from Lively, ON, and Radford, from Balmertown, ON registered 204.56 points to improve upon their fifth-place finish in last year’s world championships...."
Anyway, Harper was
^NOT even there. But he still was able to succeed in insinuating himself into the story.  The massive manpower and budget of the PMO provides with a huge amount of power to get Harper's more his fair share of the glory of any Canadian in the spotlight! 
CBC Coverage
I'll start again!
Although, almost all Canadians would agree that Canadian astronaut Chris Hadfield is the real McCoy... Harper is another matter.

Harper's Charm Offensive is relentless. The well funded campaign runs 24/7 and it has been doing so for years now.
Do you Remember 

All of the Props He Used? 
The now infamous Blue Sweater Vest? The kitty? Yo Yo Ma? The Vancouver Olympics? Nickleback? The Chinese Pandas? Randy Bachman? The Amritsar Temple? The fainting student?
Brian Adams? Justin Bieber? Taylor Swift? Haiti? Libya? The Queen's Jubilee Medals? Omar Khadr? The child in today's picture?

I don't expect that you remember all of them. But many of you will, and many of you will have an longer list.

That Brings Us to the Silliness that is #pmhadfield

How could this man who Muzzles thousands of Scientists
^NOT expect this to Backfire?

Additional reading: A Friend on Facebook writes This!

March 13, 2013

Stopping Harper ~ More than Just a Hobby!

Stopping Stephen Harper and the horse that he rode in on, has never been more important than it is right now as we approach this second anniversary of his ill-gotten majority. 

We've Only got Two Options 
Wake Up 
Stop Sleeping.

Are You  Politically Illiterate?

'll Bet you're ^NOT,  judging strictly by the fact that you are reading this, but the sad fact remains ~ that many of your neighbours and mine are fast asleep, politically speaking. 

Maybe we should talk to them. "That's a lovely garden you've got there!" And you could add, all casual like: "Did you know that Stephen Harper Sucks?" ...... NO? "Oh, yeah, It was on TV!" "Spring is early and Stephen Harper Sucks, ..... it's been in all the papers" ................., It's been all the talk at Tim's."

Just kidding. You'll know what to say. They're your neighbours.

 So, if you are not asleep then wake your neighbours. The Americans  remember Paul Revere and  the horse he rode in on, for a good  reason ~ His neighbours were sleeping! He woke the horse!

This Free Six hour Documentary should Keep you Busy for a while!


BLOGGING PROGRESS ~ I'll Be back .... ttSm

March 11, 2013

~ Madness Reigns in Harper Land ~ Is it Contagious?

One Can Only Hope That It Is!
And You Thought You Were Mad?

If it were only this easy? If you could just show a funny graphic of your pick for public enemy number one on here and everyone would say: "Oh! Now that I think about it, he is mad with a capital "M". Why didn't I see it before? It all seems obvious now. How can I help stop this Madness". How can I help "Unseat the Cheat"?

But, neither is it so very hard!  Progress is being made toward this goal of getting Canadians to wake up to the fact that their Canada is being extracted by the worst Prime Minister ever. He is stealing Democracy right out from under us. The evidence is there for those who bother to look! It as simple as learning to do research.

Almost two years into this madness, "The Harper Government" (#THG on Twitter) is under siege from all sides. Why?  ~ Because people are educating themselves, and the more you know about Harper "Clearly" the madder you become. And they have started to ask questions. Not that they will get straight answers from King Steve. They must seek the answers 'elsewhere'. And social media is capable of being that "elsewhere".

Every day this government gives us another reason to
                                                                                                 Oh look! This just in:

A Liberal Motion was debated behind closed doors at the public accounts committee, but did not survive the THG-dominated vote.

Closed door?  The motion would have ordered the Finance Department to give MPs copies of long-term financial analysis prepared between 2010 and the present........? Gawd that's over two years of vital financial information withheld from parliamentarians. That's over two year of bad legislation, and Omnibus Bills ~ (metaphorically) ~ large vats of dirty bathwater with baby still in it.

That's well over 2 years of voting on hidden agendas in the form of Omnibus Budgets bills of playing games of "picking a pig in a poke".  Of course Harper quashed it. He had no choice. The numbers are much worse than reported. The point of the Liberal motion was to make counter-transparency a thing of the past. That wouldn't do. Not in Harper Land.

Wasn't Transparency and Accountability the basis of the Harper government's first ever, election campaign? Now, Harper doesn't even pretend to care about that aspect of good governance, No, not these days. They have dropped all pretence of Governmental Transparency. 

Accountability is a about to take a hit too!

Kevin Page is about to get unceremoniously axed. His original mandate was to report directly to Parliament and be given real numbers to get at the truth of the matter. He did his job to well to suit Harper and his infamous Action Plan. And Now Flaherty is openly and absurdly attacking him.

Film at eleven!

Economic Action Plan, my ass. Those 100's of millions of dollars in advertising that we paid for, every year. How many years now? (That's a research project for you)  The real Plan was to subliminally reprogram everyone by weight of endless and mind numbing repetition into believing that there really is a plan. And you can't even prove the obvious truth if they hold back the numbers. ~  Nice!

The advertising Is the plan. Numbing the population and at the same time becoming the Corporate Media's biggest advertisers. Nice! 

The right is always saying "common sense".  As if they could count on common sense to see us through the twentieth century.  Stop playing games Mr. Prime Minister and show us the money.

Food for thought: Carney is gone but at least we still will have Carnage! Flaherty will get us nowhere! And I'll be back. 

March 07, 2013

Maritimer Nails Harper to the Wall ~ And Other Inspiring Stories

"Sneaky Like a Rat Is!"
Kyle McKenna and Caravan

The Story

Rap that your Mother could Gracefully Groove to.
This is Very Good!

I wonder if I can get a hold this young man for an interview? 
I'll be back.

Absolutely everywhere you look in Harper Land
(formerly Canada)
you will meet young people who are fed up
with the Harper Government
and you will meet old folks like me
who remember good governance,
and are missing the Canada of our youth! 

And everybody it seems
is voicing up! 

Rapping and ranting,
cartooning, crooning and lampooning. 

It seems that Canadians are getting braver. 

If you ask me, it's about time. 

Maestro Rhymes About Harper and Rob Ford

   Many People Are Tired of the Games..........
Brian Adams is tired of the Games

This info is from an article in Macleans Magazine. 
Read it HERE!

Rick Mercer is tired of the Games

Dave Thomas is tired of the Games

Bob Rae is Really Tired of the Games.....

I am tired of the Games
Jim Flaherty is Never Tired of the Games!

If You are Tired of the Games.......