WARNING! This Blog Contains; Personal Opinion, Parody, Humour, Satire, Sarcasm, Criticism, Incredulity, Contempt, Indignation and/or Expletives. It also Contains a Huge Number of Rather Surprising Facts About the Oddly Dysfunctional Nature of Harper Land.

CHECK BACK OFTEN ~ ALL POSTS are Updated As New Information Becomes Available.

August 14, 2009


When Stephen Harper looks to the North, I worry about the Environment, the people who live there and who will 'Really' benefit from the Resources there.

When Stephen Harper looks to the South, I worry about the Environment, the people who live here, and who will 'Really ' benefit from the resources here.

When Stephen Harper looks to the West, I worry about the Environment, the people who live there and who will 'Really' benefit from the resources there.

When Stephen Harper looks to the East, I worry about the Environment.... Oh Wait ( pheeewwww!) Stephen Harper Never looks to the East.